Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Introducing our Voz Latina Employee Resource Group


"...Voz Latina helps further DEI by educating about cultural differences across the Hispanic/Latino population."


Communications Team

September 6, 2021


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Introducing our Voz Latina Employee Resource Group

The Avery Dennison Voz Latina Employee Resource Group (ERG) was founded in 2021 by employees with a mission to create a supportive community where employees can celebrate the contributions of the Latinx culture in North America. Voz Latina accomplishes its mission through education and driving a focus towards the recruitment, retention, equity, and professional growth of Hispanic and Latinx employees at Avery Dennison.


We spoke with Voz Latina co-chairs Esteban Garcia, plant manager, and Luciana Salles, Enterprise Lean Sigma manager to understand the value the group brings to the company and to our employees. 


What is the importance of this Employee Resource Group (ERG) to you?


Esteban: It is important to me to get the Hispanic/Latino voice and message out to the company -- who we are, what we represent, what motivates us and what we bring to the table for Avery Dennison.


Luciana: As a Brazilian in North America at Avery Dennison, I saw the need for a Hispanic and Latinx safe space and talked to Esteban about it. I was lucky enough to have him agree to start an ERG with people of our racial and ethnic demographics in mind. It is very important for employees and prospective candidates to see themselves reflected in leadership and to know that they have a safe space for DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) dialogue, and Voz Latina provides that.


What key topics and activities do the members of this ERG discuss and advocate for?


Esteban: We want to keep growing and learning. We’ve had a few joint meetings with the other ERGs to learn how they grow and any hurdles they had to overcome. Also, we had an excellent joint meeting with our Black Employee Resource Group (BERG) where we discussed our similarities and differences.


Luciana: Members of the ERG have a shared vision to educate employees on the success and struggle of being Hispanic and Latinx in North America in an effort to empower, develop, and advance Hispanic and Latinx employees within Avery Dennison. All of our activities, from monthly meetings, to lunch and learns, to guest speaker presentations center around this vision and the members rally together to advocate for Hispanic and Latinx employees. 


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Introducing our Voz Latina Employee Resource Group


Esteban Garcia
Plant Manager

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Introducing our Voz Latina Employee Resource Group


Luciana Salles
Enterprise Lean Sigma Manager


How does this ERG help further Avery Dennison’s values of diversity and inclusion?


Esteban: There are lots of differences among Hispanic/Latinos. We have our own cultures coming from different countries. For example, it is not the same to be from Puerto Rico as it is to be from Mexico, Dominican Republic or Argentina. Because of this, Voz Latina helps further DEI by educating about cultural differences across the Hispanic/Latino population.


Luciana: Through education and shared learning in conversation, Voz Latina works to further diversity, equity and inclusion at Avery Dennison. This ERG believes that we gain strength from diverse ideas and inclusive teams, and that creating a sense of belonging for all employees is key. Voz Latina brings together all employees, regardless of racial or ethnic background, to talk and learn about Hispanic and Latinx culture in a safe space. Members enjoy finding intersectionalities with their personal identities and even enjoy sharing what they have learned with their functional teams. 


What is the main goal for this ERG in 2021?


Esteban: Our main goal is to keep growing, delivering the message of who we are, and continuing to foster opportunities for other Hispanic/Latinos in the company.


Luciana: 2021 is this ERG’s inaugural year so our main goal is to set a solid foundation with a core group of members that are aligned to a shared mission and vision. We are happy to say that we are well underway on this goal. The second half of 2021 will focus on education and advocacy as we execute our 1st Hispanic Heritage Month celebration.


What is a memorable success story you can share about how this ERG is making a difference in our employees personal/professional lives? 


Esteban: I have two success stories. The first is starting the Voz Latina with Luciana. It has been exciting to see where we started and the growth to where we are now. The second success has been hearing from the guest speakers at the meetings sharing their experiences and how they support the community. 


Luciana: I’ve seen Voz Latina connect employees better with their managers and other team members after our breakout room discussions. I’m especially proud when an employee outside the Hispanic and Latinx community shares that they learned something and can see things from a different perspective now to work even better with Hispanic and Latinx folks on their teams or even outside the company. These breakthroughs have happened a few times already and we are hopeful for more!

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